Free netlinking: is it possible?

Free netlinking: is it possible?

12 April 2024 - 16h11

Create viral content and get backlinks

One of the best natural methods to do free link building and improve your search engine optimization (SEO) is to create viral content. Your content must be compelling, original, useful, informative, and add significant value.

Such content naturally attracts admiration. Regardless of your theme, make every piece of content truly useful. For example, opt for tips or a service that you offer for free. General information can be useful for your visitors.

Make yourself known on one of these points and you won't have to do anything before websites start linking to your content without even notifying you. They will realize that you have something very useful and original on your website. It is in their interest to mention you on their pages. By doing so, you will have a significant number of backlinks.

What has just been described here is linkbaiting – "link bait". All you have to do is create viral content on your website. Thus, you won't have to pay anything to get links pointing to you.

Do free link building through guest posting

This method also relies on the relevance of written articles. You need to have a good writing style to take advantage of it. In this case, you will write articles related to your theme on other websites. In these articles, you will include a link pointing to your platform.

Both parties benefit. You get an additional link pointing to your site. And your partner gets a new relevant article on theirs. Since this is part of natural SEO, choose websites and topics related to your theme. This way, you will be able to naturally insert the link in the articles.

If the articles are not of quality, website owners may reject them. You will then have wasted your time. So make sure each text is well written and enhance it with a suitable image. The webpage you targeted to get a backlink for your free link building should not be chosen at random. Choose one with authority and that can truly generate traffic for you.

Comment on blogs for free link building

Comments on blogs are also a good way to do free link building. The idea here is to attract attention to yourself by showing off your expertise on a given topic. It is therefore recommended to turn to popular blogs with authority and whose themes are related to your industry, your area of expertise.

Your comment must be relevant in order to encourage internet users to join you on your website. Of course, in your comments, you will insert a link pointing to your platform. It must be inserted naturally. In your message, do not give the impression of promoting or being conspicuous.

You are there to add value. Also, do not make the mistake of contradicting all of the owner's content. They may delete your comment. Take these tips into account and you won't lack external links pointing to your website for free.

Do free link building through discussion forums

Discussion forums are also proof that it is possible to do free link building. Logically, you should turn to forums related to your theme. When registering on the forum, provide the URL of your blog. Thus, those participating in the discussion will have the opportunity to click on it as soon as you interact on the forum.

Before starting to participate, check the forum rules and comply with them. This way, you will not be banned from the platform. Once again, to attract attention to your blog, make sure your comments are relevant and constructive.

Exchange links

To conduct your free link building campaign, you can exchange links. Here, you will ask website owners with authority and popularity to exchange links with them. In one of your contents, you will insert a link pointing to their site and they will do the same for you.

To avoid arousing suspicion from Google, triangular links should be favored. A third partner must therefore come into play. Site A inserts a link in its content pointing to site B, but it is site C that reciprocates to site A. Search engines find this quite natural.


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