

A backlink is a hyperlink coming from a web page or website. It helps improve the natural referencing (SEO) of a website.


Niche Edit is a web platform that allows the implementation of netlinking strategies aimed at promoting the visibility and notoriety of a website.

Collaborating in partnership with thousands of publishers, it allows professionals and individuals to set up backlinks on pages already positioned on keywords or newly created in accordance with SEO standards.

Niche Edit’s services are aimed at professionals and adult individuals. Each user has the possibility to register as an advertiser, publisher, or agency.


– The Advertiser

Some information will be requested during your registration. They will be used for billing and tracking purposes and will not be visible to anyone other than administrators and accounting. You must also accept these T&Cs to finalize your registration.

You must provide your :

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number

– The Publisher

If you wish to become a publisher, Niche Edit also asks you to provide some additional information in addition to accepting the T&Cs:

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Company Name

– The Agency

Creating an Agency account requires providing :

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • VAT Number



– Advertiser: how to use the site

To start using the site as an advertiser, you must first access the “Advertiser” menu, then click on “Become an Advertiser” and follow the instructions. When creating your account, you will receive a confirmation email to validate the contact email and account creation. Note that the advertiser is solely responsible for managing their account and ensuring the security of their account access (password, username, etc.). Niche Edit reserves the right to verify that the information provided by the advertiser is accurate. The site may also request other supporting documents such as the SIRET number or K-bis extract if necessary. Finally, for any reason, the site is authorized to activate or deactivate an account for reasons of fraud or when the information provided is false or incomplete.

– Advertiser: pricing for link purchases

Niche Edit provides its services at rates current on the platform. Rates that the advertiser accesses when registering their order. After purchase, the site issues an invoice that will be provided to the advertiser once the service is available.

– Advertiser: order validation and delivery

The validation of the order placed by the advertiser goes through various stages where it is necessary to fill in fields correctly.

– Advertiser: right of withdrawal

The advertiser’s right of withdrawal is defined by Article L.121-21 of the Consumer Code, authorizing them to request withdrawal within 14 days of the implementation of the service. To exercise this right, they must contact Niche Edit’s commercial service. Beyond this period, the advertiser will no longer be able to exercise their right, according to Article L.121-21-8 of the Consumer Code.

– Advertiser: payment conditions

On the site, payments are made securely via credit card and bank transfer with encrypted payment data. Payments are considered final when the payment is collected by the provider.


– Publisher: registration on the site

When creating their account, the publisher receives a confirmation email to validate the contact email and account creation. They must provide basic information such as name, surname, etc. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the publisher to manage their account and authentication information such as their username and password.

Niche Edit reserves the right to verify that the information provided by the publisher is accurate. The site may also request other supporting documents such as the SIRET number or K-bis extract if necessary. Finally, for any reason, the site is authorized to activate or deactivate an account for reasons of fraud or when the information provided is false or incomplete.

– Publisher: order delivery

For order delivery, the publisher must follow the required steps and fill in the fields requested for this purpose.

– Publisher: right of withdrawal

The right of withdrawal is not possible for the publisher once the order is published, as the publisher has the choice to select the order they wish to process with the necessary terms and information for processing.

– Publisher: how to withdraw earnings

Various information such as the company name, a Siret number or a VAT number, and any document proving the existence of the company may be requested from the publisher to allow them to withdraw their earnings.

– Publisher: contact referral

Contact referral is possible on the platform. The referral link is accessible on the publisher’s account, and it is with this unique link that future affiliates must register.

– Publisher: exclusion terms

The publisher may be excluded from the platform if they do not comply with the established conditions. Their account will be automatically deleted without the possibility of appeal.

3-The Agency

To create an Agency account, the interested party must make a request on the site and follow the given instructions. Creating an Agency site has several advantages:

  • Add managers
  • Get consultants
  • Choose clients with their projects


All means, whether technical, physical, or technological, are used by the provider to secure clients’ personal data and protect them. However, given that the Internet is not 100% secure, the provider cannot guarantee the complete security of data transmission or storage on the internet.


The content of the site is the property of the seller and its partners, thus protected by the law concerning intellectual property. Therefore, any reproduction, whether partial or total, modification, and use without consent are liable to prosecution for infringement.


In the event of a complaint, the customer service is available to customers who can guide them on the services to contact depending on the dispute or complaint.


The provider has obligations towards its clients according to the provisions relating to the legal guarantees of Article L217-4 of the Consumer Code. Thus, it guarantees (without payment of additional fees), the client against non-conformities and hidden defects resulting from an error in the design of the service they ordered.


The Niche-Edit site cannot be held responsible for the consequences of an event beyond its control and which could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the contract and whose consequences could not have been avoided and which prevent the provider from fulfilling its obligations.

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