Netlinking campaigns: What’s at stake?

Netlinking campaigns: What’s at stake?

12 April 2024 - 16h15

Link Building: What is it Exactly?

Link building is also known as link building. While some still call it a hyperlink, others refer to it as external linking, as opposed to internal linking (internal meshing) which connects pages within the same website. The links in question are found on a page of an authority website and direct the user to another web page. These links are called inbound links. They are also referred to as backlinks.

Conducting a link building campaign logically involves implementing strategies to obtain a significant number of backlinks. You will then stimulate the creation of inbound links. Thus, many pages will talk about you.

To do this, you can turn to guest posting, creating viral content, interviews, direct link exchanges on a link building platform, writing for article directories, etc. But why should you go to all this trouble?

Gaining Trust from Search Engines

By conducting a link building campaign, you will gain the trust of search engines like Google, Bing, and others more quickly. Indeed, this campaign allows you to have more links pointing to your website. In this case, search engine algorithms automatically consider the content you offer as relevant.

Otherwise, so many sites wouldn't recommend it. And since search engines are there to satisfy users with quality, relevant, useful, and high-value content, they will not hesitate to rank your website well. You will therefore find yourself in the best positions in search results on your topic and increase your popularity.

To have such a place in search results (SERPs), it is advisable to work only with influential sites that are interested in your topics. Thus, Google will consider you a "star". It will therefore celebrate you in its own way.

Increasing Traffic to Your Website

Link building is an SEO strategy that reinforces the ones you have already put in place to get more traffic to your website. Thanks to a link building campaign, bloggers, influencers, and internet users will not hesitate to share your content. Not only will you be well positioned in search results, but organic traffic to your site will increase significantly.

And for good reason, according to some statistics, 65% of internet users are particularly interested in the top 3 results on Google. These are the ones that get the most clicks. Most people who visit these pages are those who are interested in their products or services. Some even become ambassadors for brands whose sites occupy such positions. The stakes are high. And that's not all!

Increasing Your Revenue

These link building campaigns also help increase your company's revenue. Indeed, the created backlinks increase your authority and popularity on the web. They will allow you to have new visitors, and therefore customers. At the same time, you will succeed in retaining those who were acquired to your cause.

Indeed, for the common people, it is an honor to be able to afford the products or services of a well-known brand. Precisely, the Internet allows you to achieve this when you conduct a good link building campaign. You will have better visibility and everyone will want to buy from you.

You will understand, link building campaigns also allow you to make more sales. It is worth remembering that before buying an item, millions of people first go to the Internet. So you have a lot to gain by being in the best positions in search engines.

Improving Your Online Reputation

Note also that link building campaigns are likely to improve your authority and popularity on the web. Given that trusted sites insert links pointing to your site in their content, you will be well seen by both users and search engines. Thanks to these backlinks, you will quickly establish yourself as a leader in your field or on your topic.

You will thus succeed in building a good digital reputation. However, make sure that your link building profile is natural. It is difficult to deceive search engines. Do not force the insertion of links in articles. For this, work with platforms operating in the same fields as you and having authority. You can also get the support of a link building agency to help you develop your external link acquisition strategy or backlinks.


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