What are the conditions to become a publisher?
To become a publisher on Nicheedit, registration is mandatory, and you need to provide your name, surname, address, email address, and all other required information.

Do you accept individuals?
Yes, Nicheedit accepts both individuals and professionals with a website positioned on Google as well as agencies.

As a publisher, do I need to provide evidence that the sites belong to me?
Nicheedit assumes that you are the owner of the sites you register on the platform. Once inserted, your responsibility for these sites will be engaged.

As a publisher, can I set my rates?
Rates are evaluated by Nicheedit based on your metrics and following market prices. You can modify them once your account is created.

Who else besides me can access my account?
Nobody. Your account credentials are unique, and you are the only one with them. Be careful not to share them with others for the security of your account.


What types of themes are you interested in?
We accept all themes except “Adult” and “Esoteric” themes.

How do I proceed to integrate multiple sites at once?
The integration of multiple sites at once is done on the interface. If the list is long, you can submit a list to our developers (email indicated on your back office).

Can I choose the advertisers?
The publisher is free to accept or refuse publication orders on their sites. However, it is forbidden to contact the advertiser directly outside our platform.


Can I choose the orders to validate?
Yes, you have the final say on the orders you want to validate.

How long should the article published with the client’s link remain on my site?
As long as your site is functional and online, the article and the link must be published.

Is it possible to contact the advertiser?
Nicheedit acts as an intermediary between you and the advertiser. Therefore, directly contacting them is not allowed.

Can I impose my editorial line?
Of course, you can impose your editorial line by writing your own content. You can also provide writing instructions to the advertiser if you allow them to submit their content.


Can I retract?
Once the order is accepted, you cannot retract.


What withdrawal methods are available?
You can withdraw via bank transfer and potentially Bitcoin.

Is it possible to withdraw earnings at any time?
Yes, on Nicheedit, you can withdraw your earnings whenever you want, with a minimum of 100 euros.

Can I convert my publisher earnings into advertiser credits?
You just need to exchange your earnings for credit, for example, knowing that 1 € of earnings is equivalent to 1 € of credit.

Do converted credits have an expiration date?
They have an unlimited validity period.

How many partner sites are registered on your platform?
We have tens of thousands of registered partner sites.

Is it possible to directly contact the partners?
All exchanges are done through the platform.

Do you have the categories: betting and gambling?
Yes, we have all categories except “Adult” and “Esotericism”.

Other than French sites, do you have sites in other languages?
Not at the moment, we focus on French-speaking sites.

Can I know the selection criteria of your partner sites and how you choose the URLs to sell?
We only select sites already ranked on Google based on their metrics and traffic. All information about each site will be available on your back-office.


How can I get assistance?
Fill out the form in the advertiser section to schedule an appointment, we will contact you as soon as possible.

Is personalized support free or paid?
Personalized support is already included in your package, so it is entirely free.


How can I order on Nicheedit?
You can order articles on sites already ranked on Google by browsing our catalog of sites after providing the keywords to be referenced. You can then place your order by following the instructions provided on the site. The sales department can also send you a listing of sites and blogs to simplify your search.

How long will it take to receive the articles I purchased on the platform?
This varies depending on the availability of partners, but it’s typically between 3 to 5 business days on average.

Can I place my order by phone or via the chatbot?
Yes, it’s possible, a sales representative will send you a listing of sites to save time.

Do you offer assistance when purchasing links?
Yes, we are always available.


How can I be sure that the articles I purchase on your platform are of good quality?
We prioritize transparency. When ordering, all metrics are displayed: Trust Flow, Citation Flow, Domain Authority, Traffic, etc., a way for you to verify the relevance of each site.

What is the lifespan of the articles ordered?
The ordered articles will remain published on the publishers’ sites as long as their sites are online and functional.

Do you offer follow-up after ordering articles?
Yes, we are always available.


What are the rates for sites already ranked on Google on your platform?
The rates for sites are set according to metrics, quality, and ranked keywords.

Do the prices of links already positioned on Google vary according to demand?
No, the price is determined based on quality, not demand.

You are a Web SEO agency.

How can I ensure that my clients will not be solicited?
Nicheedit commits to never contacting your clients directly for any reason. To do this, be sure to register as an agency and we will only contact you.

Can I benefit from a discount for substantial orders?
Indeed, discounts may apply for agencies that place large orders. You need to directly discuss with our sales representatives.

What happens if one of my clients were to contact you?
If one of your clients were to contact us, we will inform you directly of the situation.

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